Dario Maimone Ansaldo Patti

Game Theory Module
The module is delivered within the Ph.D. Programme in Economics, Management & Statistics, jointly offered by the University of Messina and the University of Catania. It is a part of the Microeconomics course and should be understood as an introduction to games and their solution concepts. Lectures will be at an introductory level.
Below you can download the outline of the module and the lecture notes. The lecture notes are based on the following textbook:
Osborne, M.J. and A. Rubinstein (1994). A Course in Game Theory. MIT Press.
Apparently, the book is out-of-print and there is little chance to obtain it (possibly you can borrow it from the library). Nonetheless, thanks to Ariel Rubinstein, you can download a pdf copy of his book from his website, by clicking here.
A free registration is required. Rubinstein's website contains also links to other books that can be downloaded free of charge.
Lecture Notes
Past Exam Paper
Thursday 14/02/2019 10am - 3pm
Friday 15/02/2019 10am - 3pm
Monday 18/02/2019 10am - 3pm
The first two lectures will be in Lecture Room 12, Building C. The lecture on Monday 18th will be held in "Messaggeri della Conoscenza" Lecture Room (3rd floor - Main Building - Department of Economics).
Exam Paper
Exam paper March 2018:
Solution for Question 3 - Part B: