Dario Maimone Ansaldo Patti
Main Publications
Freedom and the Pursuit of Happiness (with Sebastiano Bavetta and Pietro Navarra). 2012. New York, Cambridge University ​
Chapters in books
Bargaining in International Conflicts' Resolution: UN Involvement and Conflict Settlement, in F. Forte, R. Mudambi e P. Navarra (eds) Handbook of Alternative Theories of Public Economics. 2013. Chelthenam, Edward Elgar Press (jointly with D. Montolio).
The Empirical Measure of Autonomy Freedom, in S. Bavetta e P. Navarra The Economics of Freedom. 2012. New York, Cambridge University Press (jointly with S. Bavetta and P. Navarra).
Autonomy Freedom and Redistribution, in S. Bavetta e P. Navarra The Economics of Freedom. 2012. New York, Cambridge University Press (jointly with S. Bavetta and P. Navarra).
Individual Control in Decision-Making and Attitudes Towards Inequality: The Case of Italy, in Brahm, M. And F. Steffen (eds.) Power, Freedom, and Voting. 2008. Berlin, Springer (jointly with S. Bavetta, A. Cognata and P. Navarra)
Motivazioni Entrinseche e Decisioni di Governo nel Rapporto di Agenzia tra Elettori ed Eletti: Il Caso Italiano degli Anni Novanta , in Brosio G. (eds) Criteri per le Scelte Pubbliche. 2008. Milano, Giuffrè Editore (jointly with L. Leonida and P. Navarra).
Il Ruolo delle Informazioni Asimmetriche nella Prevenzione delle Attività Criminali in un Modello di Interazione Strategica, in Letizi M. (ed) Comportamento Criminale, Ecomafie e Smaltimento dei Rifiuti: Strumenti e Proposte per un Approccio Analitico. 2004. Soveria Mannelli, Rubettino Editore (jointly with L. Leonida and P. Navarra).
Articles in referred journals
Escaping the trap of 'blocking': a kinetic model linking economic development and political competition. Kinetic and Related Models, 2017, vol. 10 (2): 423-443 (jointly with M. Dolfin, D. Knopoff , L. Leonida).
More choice for better choosers: Political freedom, autonomy, and happiness. Political Studies, 2017, vol. Vol 65 (2), pp. 316 - 338 (jointly with S. Bavetta, P. Miller and P. Navarra).
L. Leonida, D. Maimone Ansaldo Patti, A. Marini, and P. Navarra. Political competition and economic growth: A test of two tales. Economics Letters, 2016, vol. 135:96-99 (jointly with L. Leonida, A. Marini and P. Navarra).
A tale of soil and seeds: The external environment and entrepreneurial entry. Small Business Economics, 2016, vol. 47 (4), pp 955-980 (jointly with D. Baglieri, R. Mudambi and P. Navarra).
Testing the political replacement effect: A panel data analysis (with Leone Leonida and Pietro Navarra). Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2013, vol. 75 (6), pp. 785-805
Globalization, democratizaton and economic growth. Applied Economics Letters, 2009, vol. 16(7), pp. 731-734 (jointly with P. Navarra).
Towards an equilibrium level of market reform: how politics affects the dynamics of policy change. Applied Economics, 2007,vol. 39, pp. 1627-1634 (jointly with L. Leonida and P. Navarra).
Il apporto di agenzia tra elettori ed eletti e gli effetti di Mani Pulite sulle decisioni di politica economica locale. Economia Pubblica, 2002, pp. 100-121 (jointly with M. Limosani and P. Navarra).
Political Instability and Economic Decisions of Policy-Makers. Rivista di Diritto Finanziario e Scienza delle Finanze, 2001, vol. 3, pp. 1-31 (jointly with G. Sobbrio).